Monday, June 14, 2004

Life happens......roll with it....

You know, I hear people complain all the time about how this or that happened, how upsetting it is and how life generally sucks. I know life happens and sometimes the going gets hard and people suck and life seems to close in on you and strangle hold you, but we always come up for air in the end.....that crisis always ends, tomorrow always comes and life goes on.....I love life and everything about it......Too much good here to think it all bites. Who likes cold Pizza?....I do!......who likes laying on a grassy knoll on a rainy day?.....yes getting wet and all, eyes closed or open watching the drops fall toward you.....These things bring happiness to me......I go to work every morning because I have to, because life comes with responsibilities, bills, children, parents.....Good lord! I'd go crazy if I didn't have any of them, I thank god every morning for giving me one more day......I get to see the people I know and love and those I dislike too.....But I don't normally dislike people very much, it's not in me.....As a matter of fact, I need to Apologize to my nephew later today, god willing....This weekend I was a little rough on a reprimand with him, and no, I wasn't wrong, but I still feel bad, he's 12 and of course about to go into his terrible teens, and he's got alot on his shoulders too. He's the eldest of 4, so it's on him to set the example.....and the little punk if his brother *says this fondly and smiling* doesn't make it easy. So I'll have a sit down with him later today...Heart to heart of sorts.

Roll with it, talk to me, How's your life?
At the end of the day, reflect on all that's happened to you today, remember how lucky you are to have experienced it all and lived to have that last waking moment before sleep.....

Peace favor your soul for always,

Michael A. Ponce